Station I : Silens
Contemplating the Tots and their texts in silence - and interpreting them as 256 meditations to make the experience of silence available to everone.
Contemplating the Tots and their texts in silence - and interpreting them as 256 meditations to make the experience of silence available to everone.
Setting up a physical infrastructure for our work on the Tots - and interpreting them as 256 strategies to make real autonomy and dignity available to every being.
Digitizing the Tots - and interpreting them as a collection of 256 ways to live with integrity alongside advanced Technology and Artificial Intelligence.
Bringing the Tots into Nature and Nature into the Tots - and interpreting them as a series of projects to help restitute an honourable relationship to nature.
Opening up for anyone who would like to contribute to the work with the Tots - and interpreting the set of Tots as 256 conversations to open hearts.
Expanding the visual dimension of the Tots - and interpreting the set of Tots as the 256 pages of a special book teaching the Language of Patterns.
Exploring the sound-dimension of the Tots and interpreting them as 256 evolving musical pieces to open new dimensions of musical appreciation.
Bringing each of the above interpretations of the set of 256 Tots together - in a dance practice, The Molecular Ballet - and making any benefit from our process available to everybody.